It Just Gets Better!

Once we realized a business was brewing, my hubby pushed this little Mama to go for the gold. We upgraded my camera (Goodbye old friend!), surveyed friends and family for the perfect company name, built a website and voila! Lillybelle Rose Photography is born. It has been a long time since I've done something so rewarding. Of course I love my family more than anything, and know how very blessed I am to have been able to stay home to watch my babies grow, but other than scrapbooking with a few dear friends and hanging with my sweet guy, I've been "MOM!!!" : ) I feel so very blessed and quite undeserving. Please allow me to indulge myself for a moment!

  • Thank you Rob, for supporting this passion of mine and encouraging me to "put myself out there".

  • Thank you girls, for letting me practice on you over and over and over, and for being so understanding when mom is suddenly spending many hours sitting at the computer or running off for a shoot.
  • Thank you friends, for pushing me to believe in myself and the potential for Lillybelle Rose. Thank you for your wonderful compliments and songs of praise. Thank you for your referrals and ideas. And Amy... what can I say. This is truly all because of YOU!
  • Thank you, CLIENTS, for giving me the honor of photographing you and your loved ones. To look so intimately into your lives and relationships is not taken lightly. You bring so much joy and excitement to my life through your patronage. Thank you!!!

Enough words for one post? Photo time! Here are a handful of favorites with some very special clients.

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